Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nit Wit Ridge

Just when you think you've seen everything that could possibly be made out of trash...a house.

Now, if you are starting to worry that my trip has taken on a disturbing theme, rest assured that this is the last site I am going to that is founded upon debris. Well...I am going to see two slabs of the now razed Berlin Wall, but that is historical debris.
Nit Wit Ridge in Cambria also has historical significance.  The owner pissed people off for years with his constant waste recycling efforts in the heart of downtown. It turns out he was the town's trash collector by profession, but instead of taking the items to the landfill, he brought them home. I went to the address, not expecting to take a tour as it required reservations and since it was Easter Sunday, I had figured it would be closed.  But the next tour was going to be at 3.  I considered it, knowing that I still had deep fried artichokes to get to.  I went to the local coffee shop to mull it over.
While there, I asked the young woman (Chelsea), "if a person didn't have much time to spend here, what would you tell them they had to see?" She first mentioned the Hearst Castle.  I worked really hard to not roll my eyes.  Then she said Nit Wit Ridge.  I said, yes, but sadly I had not made reservations.  She said no problem, her father owns it and gives the tours.

What luck!  I was in! Below are the pictures and a description of what you are seeing.  I had a picture taken of Chelsea and me, but the photog had his finger over the lens, so I will start with a photo of my tour guide, Mike.

Great guy! Really knowledgeable and has a passion for telling Art's story.

An outdoor fountain

Toilet seats were used for picture frames.
(Note to self:  Do not take pictures while laughing)


  1. Wonderful!!!! My recycling and $$$ saving urges will have to be checked or I might end up here!! btw Joyce actually liked the toilet seat picture frames......and she's classy. hmmmmm. Lovely to find some really nice and interesting folks. Thanks for sharing. Ta, Laurie

  2. You know why you found the owners daughter don't you?
    Population 2. So was he a hoarder? A nit wit? Hmmm. Oh, I know. Did it look like most teen age bedrooms? When you say Art stories do you mean art as in beauty or art as in a mans name. I hope it's the latter.

  3. Laurie: Those dollar saving urges will make it so you have more to spend the next time you come here. Keep up the good work!
    Peter: I'm offended, as are the 9 other residents of Cambria.
