Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Toad Hollow

Gullible, gullible, gullible.
This one wins the prize.

Davis, CA.  Home of the UC Davis Aggies.  So when I read that there was a place called Toad Hollow that had been built because toads were getting squished by crossing the road, I assumed that it had some academic basis.
Gullible? Yes! 
It is at the Davis Post Office. No one knows about it there, nor seems to care. Little houses with no purpose, except to note, I guess, that toads live there. The questions I am left with though, are "who?" and "why?".


  1. Are those little solar panels on the toad houses? of them. The sign says 'toads going green' so I guess so. Gary

  2. Yes, simulated solar. Perhaps you can get something like this going at the Poway P.O.

    1. Why not? We have simulated workers.

  3. Headline at the Davis Gazette.
    " school administrator is fooled by college students ".
    It's the only logical answer here.
